Information about Advocacy

What is Advocacy?

Information for Carers

An Introduction to Carer’s Allowance

Applying for Carer’s Allowance 

Making a Complaint about a Council or Care Provider

How to Complain or tell us what you think about Health and Social Care 

Information about Continuing Healthcare

NHS Care for People with long term Health Needs

Information about Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS): Your Rights

Information about Equalities

Equalities means making sure that everyone is treated fairly.

The Equalities Act 

The Accessible Information Standard

Information about Housing

There is lots of information about different types of housing issues:

Information about how care and support services are checked

What the CQC is checking at all health and social care services

Information about Jobs and Work

Finding a job

Starting work

Access to Work – get support if you have a disability or health condition (DWP)

Information about the Law

The Care Act

Information about Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty

Mental Capacity Act  

Consent and Capacity

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Standard Authorisation Your Rights

Information about Mental Health and Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health Act

Mental Health Act: Code of Practice

Tips to improve your Wellbeing 

Guide to Anxiety

Information about Money and Finance

Cost of Living Crisis 

How to Protect Yourself from Scams

Everyday Banking

Information about Safeguarding

Domestic Abuse: How to Get Help

Female Genital Mutilation: What it is and How to Get Help 

Forced Marriage