This section contains the chapters written and agreed by the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Boards. It is divided into different sections, each with a number of specific chapters. The different sections can be accessed by clicking on the arrow next to ‘Contents’ on the left of the screen. By clicking on the word ‘Contents’, all of the sections and chapters will be displayed.
Introduction and Context
This section includes an Introduction to the Multi-Agency Policies and Procedures (MAPP), and outlines the context, principles, policies and definitions in relation to safeguarding adults who have care and support needs (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and who are experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect.
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Safeguarding: What is it and Why does it Matter?
- 1.3 Preventing Abuse and Neglect
- 1.4 Making Safeguarding Personal
- 1.5 Engagement with People Who Have Needs for Care and Support
- 1.6 Information Sharing
- 1.7 Data Protection Act: Legislation and Practice
- 1.8 Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
- 1.9 Leicester, Leicester and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Competency Framework
The Care Act
Identifying Abuse and Taking Immediate Action
Safeguarding Enquiries
4.1 Safeguarding Process
- 4.1.1 Safeguarding Adults Process: Introduction
- 4.1.2 Safeguarding Adults Process Flowchart
- 4.1.3 Stage 1: Alert
- 4.1.4 Stage 2: Lead Agency Decision using Safeguarding Threshold Guidance whether to proceed to Referral
- 4.1.5 Stage 3: Undertaking Enquiries
- 4.1.6 Local Authorities Causing Enquiries to be made under Section 42 of the Care Act 2014
- 4.1.7 Stage 4: Case Conference
4.2 Supporting Information
- 4.2.1 Guidance for the Oversight Process of S42 Enquiries in NHS Settings
- 4.2.2 Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Vulnerable Adult Risk Management (VARM)
- 4.2.3 Managing Allegations against People in Positions of Trust (PiPoT)
- 4.2.4 Self-Neglect
- 4.2.5 Out of Hours Services and Emergency Duty Teams
- 4.2.6 Cross Boundary and Inter-Authority Enquiries
- 4.2.7 Independent Advocacy
- 4.2.8 Criminal Offences and Adult Safeguarding
- 4.2.9 Ill Treatment and Wilful Neglect
- 4.2.10 Gaining Access
- 4.2.11 Protecting Property of Adults being Cared for away from Home, including Pets
- 4.2.12 Consent in Safeguarding Enquiries
- 4.2.13 Managing Risk
- 4.2.14 Large Scale Enquiries
- 4.2.15 Carers and Adult Safeguarding
- 4.2.16 Inherent Jurisdiction of the High Court
- 4.2.17 Pressure Ulcers: Safeguarding Adults Protocol
Safeguarding Adults Boards
This section relates to the Safeguarding Adults Board (SABs) which is a statutory body under the Care Act 2014. It covers the roles and responsibilities of the SAB and partner agencies, and some of the key responsibilities particularly in relation to information sharing, management of staff and partnership working.
Complaints and Professional Dispute Resolution
Mental Capacity
Local and National Guidance
- 8.1 Record Keeping
- 8.2 No Recourse to Public Funds
- 8.3 Working with Adults Affected by Child Sexual Exploitation and Organised Sexual Abuse
- 8.4 Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)
- 8.5 Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
- 8.6 Interpreting, Signing and Communication Needs
- 8.7 Whistleblowing
- 8.8 Safeguarding Adults Data Returns
- 8.9 Disclosure and Barring
- 8.10 Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategies
- 8.11 Social Media: Minimising Professional Risk
- 8.12 Duty of Candour
- 8.13 Whole Family Approach
- 8.14 Professional Curiosity